Big, Flashy Car Syndrome
We all know who I am talking about right! The guy with the big shiny Mercedes, the yuppie or whatever you call them these days with the spit n polish BMW, or Mr. Sauve with his convertible Cadillac or hot Mustang. The one who feels that his time and self import make him immune to social mores, acceptable behaviour and common courtesy.
They are the ones who bully into long lines at shopping mall parking lots, on highway ramps, exits and turnoffs. They do not have the time to be bothered waiting an extra few minutes like everyone else and they prey on weaker species who feel a courtesy based obligation to let these bullies into the lane. Unfortunately this misplaced courtesy costs everyone else in the line who is socially responsible extra waiting time.
When are we going to learn that these bores have no more rights than the rest of the world and that when we stop cowtowing to their pushy, ignorant manners maybe they will learn some patience and courtesy themselves. I know the rules of the road say that we must be courteous to merging traffic but I am certain a case can be made for ignoring them when someone blatantly flies past the line of traffic and expects to be able to simply jump into the line at the last possible moment. These actions result in delays, unnecessary stops and collisions.
It is time we learnt to make these rude drivers aware of the impact of their actions and also made it more difficult for them to intimidate themselves to the front of the line. Next time you see someone bullying in front of you just make it a little more difficult for them, beep your horn at them and generally let them know that what they are doing is poor driving etiquette. It is about time those of us who are normally courteous and respectful to find a safe way to make aggressive drivers aware of their ignorance and hazardous behaviour...
"Email and tell me about your incidents."
Hey Fellow Drivers!
Welcome to our questionable driving video website. Before we talk about our site in more depth let me make one thing perfectly clear:
I love driving!
However, poor driving standards and skills scare me every time I pull out of my driveway.
In our society sharing the road is everyone's responsibility but some folks seem to feel they are exempt from laws and by-laws, accepted common courtesies, and reasonable behavior standards when they are behind the wheel of a multi ton vehicle. Our purpose in this website is to show the world some of these situations. Collisions, road rage and ignorant driving standards are making our roadways and highways very dangerous. We need to do something now…
Daily we see examples of carelessness, intimidation, aggressiveness, and deliberate non-compliance with basic driving laws all at the peril of those of us who just may be paying attention and following the traffic laws for our own safety. We have to ask ourselves why some people feel they have the right to:
Let's be honest, at some point we have all been guilty of infractions. We are not talking about errors or mistakes or momentary lapses on this site. We are talking about blatant, intentional, and dangerous actions that take place every day on our roadways. Whether it is arrogance, ignorance of the laws, feelings of entitlement, impatience, or some other reason known only to the driver; this type of behavior is unacceptable.
Laws, rules, standards and courtesies exist for everyone equally. These laws, rules, standards and courtesies do not have exceptions or exemptions unless you are an emergency vehicle. With this in mind let's talk about our purpose which quite honestly is very simple.
This site is intended to expose dangerous, flippant, arrogant, and inconsiderate driving activities. We will accomplish this by posting videos links of driving disparities to "YOU TUBE". These will be actual occurrences taken by our team as they perform their normal day to day activities. Every day new videos will be added to our library. We invite comments, examples of other infractions and any other feedback you as the reader feels will help us effect changes to make our roads safer.
NutZ on Wheels
6975 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle
P.O. Box 21010
Mississauga, ON L5N 2W0
This site was designed for information, education, shared comments and with hope for achieving safer driving. It was not designed for malicious purposes and therefore there is no malice held for the driving styles represented in the videos.
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