Red Light Infraction
How many times have you approached an intersection on a caution with the intent to stop as is the law, and yet had to actually speed up to follow through that intersection knowing that with a glance in the rear view mirror you would be severely rear ended if you did in fact follow the law and stop? Why is there this trend now to try to beat the light or get away with non-compliance in stopping when possible?
Also included in this group are the numbers of drivers who feel that stop signs are just a nuisance factor to be disregarded as if they were in fact invisible. There are reasons those stop signs have been placed at certain intersections with the major part of it not to just annoy the motorist. There is traffic control, pedestrian safety and speed control to name just a few of the purposes for stopping at stop signs.
The other red light thief is the one who sneaks around an intersection on a red light without stopping, impeding and endangering oncoming legal traffic flow.
We must also not forget the ones crowding the intersection when there is nowhere forward really to go and stopping cross traffic from even having the chance to get started when the light is turned for them.
Witness countless cases of this violation as the camera light intersections are not even putting a dent in the numbers of red light runners.
NutZ on Wheels
6975 Meadowvale Town Centre Circle
P.O. Box 21010
Mississauga, ON L5N 2W0
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